Site Specific Requirements
Having regard to the importance of visibility and the creation of an identifiable presence for Ballingarrane Park, this site is ideally situated for the location of a landmark gateway building at the entrance to the park. In order to achieve integration within the Park, cycle and pedestrian connectivity is required to be provided to the north and east into Precinct 4. The existing surface water feature will be required to be retained and enhanced within any proposal for this site. There are no restrictions to developing this site in the short term. The site is ideally suited to a national/multinational seeking a significant site with a presence on the N24 National Primary Route.
Access: The internal estate access road forms the western site boundary. One access point only will be permitted to Precinct 3 from the internal distributor roundabout.
Infrastructure: Existing water, waste water and surface water infrastructure available along the western boundary of the precinct. The existing water network has the capacity to provide for 600m3 /day. Where a proposed use requires in excess of same it will be necessary to provide for a bored well on site.