The Park comprises a sufficient scale of serviced land capable of meeting the requirements of a range of users from start up enterprises to stand alone multi-nationals.
Future occupants of the Park will benefit from the high quality natural environment and planned recreational amenities.
The estate comprises 121 ha (300 acres) and is owned by Tipperary County Council (96.1 ha/237.46 acres) and IDA Ireland (21 ha/51.89 acres). A third party landowner owns circa 3.9 ha (9.6 acres) to the north of Precinct 5
The Boulic Stream flows in a southerly direction along the eastern boundary of the estate and the L-3277 local road forms the western boundary. Ballingarrane Park offers a unique location for strategic enterprise, knowledge intensive and technology based industry and large scale employers to grow and develop in an aspiring environment.
Few towns in Ireland possess such an impressive opportunity for companies to grow new enterprise, at a strategic location, in a high quality environment and within public ownership.
Idyllic Location
A key attribute for Clonmel is its location on the N24 within easy access to the Gateway of Limerick City (82 km), Shannon Foynes Port (117 km), Shannon Airport (107 km), Waterford City (48 km) and Waterford Airport (61 km).
The proximity of Clonmel to the M8 motorway provides easy access to Dublin City (177 km), Dublin Port (189 km), Dublin Airport (184 km), Cork City and Port (105 km) and Cork Airport (104 km). Clonmel is also located on the national rail system with direct rail access to Limerick and Waterford and onwards to Dublin and Cork.
The case for investing in and living in Clonmel is further strengthened by the high quality of the town and its surrounding hinterland.
The Ballingarrane Park is currently occupied by Ballingarrane House, a historic residence in public ownership. “Questum”, a Research, Development and Enterprise Centre developed by Tipperary County Council in 2014 in partnership with Limerick Institute of Technology (LIT) is at the main entrance to the site. Tipperary County Council also occupies an incubation support unit within the site.

PRECINCT 1 (Area: 19.8 ha)
Served by Public Water, Waste Water and Surface Water Infrastructure in addition to Electricity, Gas & Broadband. Access to be taken from the terminus of the existing internal access road.

PRECINCT 2 (Area: 8.97ha)
Served by Public Water, Waste Water, Surface Water Infrastructure in addition to Electricity, Gas & Broadband. Access to be provided from the existing roundabout on the internal access road.

PRECINCT 3(Area: 18.82ha)
One access point will be facilitated into this Precinct from the internal distributor roundabout. Existing public water, waste water and surface water available along the western boundary of the precinct. Electricity, Gas & Broadband have been laid as far as the Cahir Road Roundabout.

PRECINCT 4(Area: 18.90ha)
Public Water, Waste Water and Surface Water Infrastructure available at the terminus of the existing internal access road. Electricity, Gas & Broadband have been laid as far as the Cahir Road Roundabout.

PRECINCT 5(Area: 21.82ha)
Access to be taken from the existing hammer head at the terminus of the internal access roads. Water, waste water and surface water infrastructure is available at the terminus of the internal access road. Electricity, Gas & Broadband have been laid as far as the Cahir Road Roundabout

PRECINCT 6(Area: 6.33ha)
This site is to be served from the access and infrastructure to be provided through Precinct 5.

PRECINCT 7(Area: 15.49ha)
Access to be provided from the existing roundabout on the internal access road. The public water supply is located along the southern boundary of the site. Foul and surface water sewers are located on the existing access road. Electricity, Gas & Broadband have been laid as far as the Cahir Road Roundabout
Energy Resources
There is a 10KV ESB power line serving the site. There is a provisional arrangement in place with ESB Networks to allow for up to 16MVA connection provided via an on-site 38kV substation.
Natural Gas:
There is an existing 125mm medium pressure gas main serving the site.
Waste Water
The existing Clonmel municipal waste water treatment plant is located on Davis Road, to the east of the town. The plant has a 55,000 PE capacity.
Surface Water
The site is served by an existing 450mm concrete surface water sewer.
The Metropolitan Area Network (Direct Fibre Connection) has been laid to the Cahir Road Roundabout. There is currently a connection from same serving Questum and Ballingarrane House.
Public Transport
The Ballingarrane area is served by the town’s bus service which runs to and from the town centre hourly from 9.00am to 6.30pm Monday to Friday.
The Park offers the following competitive advantages to prospective occupants…
- High quality and sustainable environment and infrastructure
- Sufficient scale of serviced development land
- High quality and developable bespoke sites
- Capable of accommodating development which could not equally be accommodated elsewhere
- Located in close proximity to high quality residential, educational and recreational services
- A planned central area (hub) offering conference, meeting room and restaurant facilities etc.
- A planned network of open spaces for passive and active recreation
- High quality physical linkages within and outside the park
- On-site business support
- Executive services