Site Specific Requirements
As set out for Precinct 4 the Boulic Valley (2.8 ha within District 5) will be required to be developed as a linear public park. A particularly high standard of development will be required on the lands outlined in pink on Aerial Photograph 5 to safeguard the setting of the Ballingarrane House. Development proposals will be favourably considered on this portion of the Park provided that a high standard of development is achieved and particular care is taken to minimise the impact on the setting of the protected structure. This site contains Recorded Monument Ref TS-083-001 which relates to an enclosure. The enclosure is not apparent on the ground however any application including for development within the buffer zone will be required to be accompanied by an Archaeological Geophysical Survey and Archaeological Impact Assessment. Any proposals on this site will also be required to be supported by an Architectural Heritage Impact Assessment, a Landscape Assessment and a Site Specific Flood Risk Assessment. The access road and associated infrastructural services will be required to be constructed to the boundary with Precinct 6.
Access: The existing hammer head at the terminus of the existing internal access road is to be upgraded to provide for access to the subject lands.
Infrastructure: Existing water, waste water and surface water infrastructure is available at the terminus of the existing internal access road.