Site Specific Requirements
Owing to site levels and flood risk the Boulic Valley (6.4ha within this Precinct) does not lend itself to development however this area offers considerable amenity potential. Any development proposal for Precinct 4 will be required to acknowledge the role of this area as a surface water drainage overflow and include for the development of same as a Linear Park with a looped walk. New buildings will be required to be sited and designed to ensure that no negative impacts accrue on the residential properties on the Glenconnor Road. Development Proposals on this site will be required to be accompanied by a Site Specific Flood Risk Assessment. Cycle and pedestrian connectivity will be required to be provided to Precincts 3 and 5.
Access: The existing hammer head at the terminus of the existing internal access road is to be upgraded to provide for access to the subject lands.
Infrastructure: Existing water, waste water and surface water infrastructure is available at the terminus of the existing internal access road.
Note: There are a number of residential properties located along the Glenconnor Road to the east of and outside the Masterplan area. These residential properties are currently screened by extensive planting along the eastern boundary of the estate. With the exception of the Boulic Valley the site is relatively level.